Thursday, May 12, 2022

Sky and clouds

I was inspired by a video from Uma Kelkar for a watercolour society somewhere in America that I watched recently. As you know, I'm on this journey to find myself again as an artist after a (long?) period of doubt. So, when I watched how Uma painted her sky, I thought to myself "I used to paint skies, why don't I do it anymore?".

So, here I am, painting skies, nothing else. I need to do a lot of this to feel good about it again. But that's all right. I ain't going anywhere. And you know me, I like to take notes. I did these from photos I took.

I need to paint from life more. I do a lot of sketching from life, but plein air with watercolour in Ireland is not easy. It always takes forever to dry, or it's too windy, too cold, too wet. 

I'm looking at the sky outside my window right now, and I'm thinking Monte Amiata Natural Sienna and Burnt Umber. Not a trace of blue. This is Ireland in May. Can we have a little bit of blue sky please?