Saturday, March 28, 2020

sketching from the car

This was only two weeks ago, I think. Our Taoiseach had already introduced measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus. And we had decided to cancel our Sunday sketching meetings. So I got into my car and drove to Monkstown, parked and set up my sketching kit at the wheel and sketched to my heart's content from the car.

That won't be possible anymore, as further measures have been introduced, and we cannot go beyond a 2-km radius from our house, except to do the shopping if there is no shop nearby. But it's OK. If we all stay at home and practise physical distancing, we'll get through this. I am lucky that most of the activities I love have moved online, so I can attend 4 yoga classes, 2 life drawing sessions, and 1 sketching group every week! And we walk the dog every morning. And when I'm not doing yoga, I'm doing my physio exercises so my back doesn't hurt. And right now, my husband is meeting his friends for a drink via Zoom. So we're adapting!

Back to this sketch - Monkstown is a lovely location for sketching - wide footpaths, two really interesting churches, the seafront, beautiful Georgian houses and cottages. The two churches are challenging buildings, so I used techniques I learned from Liz Steel's SketchingNow Buildings, and I'm pretty happy with how it worked out. As soon as this is all over, I'm definitely going again and I will get out of my car! The row of cottages on the right has hoarding in front, hence the grey area there, just in case you were wondering

And although nothing has been organised yet, I'm planning for the Dublin Sketchers' participation in the Olivier Cornet Gallery Bloomsday project. A difficult theme for urban sketching, 'The Morphing Feminine', but never fear, I'm already coming up with lots of ideas!

So, here is the quote I chose for this image:
"and to hear the music like that and the perfume of those incense they burned in the church like a kind of waft. And while she gazed her heart went pitapat. Yes, it was her he was looking at, and there was meaning in his look. "
I'll talk about the facing page in my next post! In the meantime, be well. Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.

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