Friday, March 06, 2020

Dundrum Town Centre

Well I think it's going to be a while before I go to Dundrum Town Centre again - airports and shopping centres are not good places to be when there is a virus doing the rounds! This was done a few weeks ago, before the word Covid19 became part of our vocabulary!

I really don't know what I'm going to do for One Week 100 People. I guess I'm going to have to work from photos - Sktchy will be my best friend again. Or Instagram!

I'm actually now sorry I didn't try the donuts from the donut shop in Dundrum! People were queuing non-stop for them. And young girls even took Instagram photos of each other holding a donut. And we have an obesity problem in Ireland! But when temptation looks so delicious, and is served by good-looking young people in pink tee-shirts, it's hard to resist!

The other thing I noticed is that the best place to sketch prams is near the lifts (or elevators)!
I did manage to find a Ulysses quote that worked in the context "Lots of babies she must have helped into the world". I don't think there is any mention of donuts, though!!

As usual, Sumi had to get in on the action when I was photographing my sketchbooks!

I did manage to take a photo of the full spread, eventually!

When I mentioned the elevators, it reminded me of this wonderful song by Nanci Griffith. It brought back fond memories.

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