Thursday, March 26, 2020

Oblate Church and Inchicore

This sketching outing dates back three weeks I think. A reminder that things were not always like they are now. And that it will get better. Maybe not just yet. But I have to keep thinking to the future.

So here, we were in Inchicore, exploring the area.
I picked a building way above my skill level, but it was really calling out to me. It’s the Church of Mary Immaculate. Founded by the Oblate Fathers, it’s a really imposing construction. I could only sketch a small part of it, as it’s very long. So I focused on the front entrance. Plus it was the only spot where I could sit and still see above the cars in the car park at the front. And with the sun behind me so I wouldn’t be blinded. I was very close, so it was towering over me. I started with the shadow shapes, just to get past the I’m-so-overwhelmed-by-this-building stage. And I then tried to add and subtract. It’s still cold here, so the paint was still quite wet when I started adding lines. Challenging, but fun! And of course, for me, urban sketching is all about the encounters with the locals - I do love a chat.
Church services are restricted now.

We had started our outing with a tea in Riggers D8. I wasn't quite feeling it. So I left this sketch unfinished. I'm often like that. I do like the social aspect of sketching, up to a point, but then, I just want to go off on my own and get stuck in.
Pubs, restaurants and cafés are closed now.

After sketching the big church, I needed to wind down with something less imposing. So I just crossed the road and sat on a wall in a small industrial estate. Cars are not my specialty, but I really couldn't avoid them!
All non-essential businesses that can't be run remotely are closed now, except, strangely enough, the construction industry.

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