Sunday, December 11, 2022

Some waves are more difficult than others.

Working from someone else's photo, which I've cropped to make it my own, but I'm still struggling with the values. Need to try it in one colour only! Although I have to say they look better in photo than in reality, particularly the ones with sharp edges (the 2 at the bottom of the page of 4 are too soft and look like blobs - waves are solid - think about a wave crashing into you when you're standing at the edge of the water - it's strong enough to knock you over - and these waves are 2 to 4 meters high!) The paper I'm using is not extra white, so I'm missing that foam sparkle. Maybe that's all I need to change!! I do love the contrast between the warm sky and the cool waves. It's like there was a sandstorm and the sky is all hazy.

The version I had the most fun with was done with a white resist pencil. It should be pretty obvious which one that is.

Colours used, for my own record: Raw Sienna Light, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Deep, Schmincke Neutral Tint, Quin Rose, Royal Blue. I do love the mix of Holbein Ultramarine Deep and Schmincke Neutral Tint for the darker wave shadows, and Cobalt Blue and Quin Rose for the big wave foam. The Schmincke Neutral Tint isn't neutral at all by the way. It's got a warm leaning, between brown and purple.

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