Saturday, February 06, 2021

A is for Beara

Well, I told you I was deciding on what views to pick for the watercolour marathon with Uma Kelkar (which was last weekend by the way). So here is one of the scenes I did not pick! This is a view from the Beara peninsula. There is this point on the road, after Lauragh I think, or is it before?, where the road opens up and you've got this WOW scenery for a few seconds, with the mountains in the distance and the green hills to the side, and the road twisting in between. There aren't many places where you can pull up, so it's a case of grabbing the opportunity and stopping at the side of the road. Next time, I must take that left turn and see where it goes, as it looks like a much quieter road and it might lead to the side of the hills, with an interesting viewpoint - as long as I don't encounter another car going in the opposite direction!

Why did I not pick this view, you might ask? Well, I've already attempted it before, and at a half sheet size even. So, I felt it wouldn't be really fair to the other students on the course. Although my previous attempt wasn't a success and I had lost the mountains into the sky, I had spent time with that painting, and I would be working from a different starting point. I feel I can take what I learned in class and apply it to this painting and see where that leads me!

But before making that decision, I did three small studies.

A1 - This is the one I did in less than 5 minutes

A2 - I did this one in the Etchr Perfect Sketchbook - not too happy with it, but I do like how the road turned out and the curved hedge and grass bit to the left of the road.

A3 - getting there - changed my approach completely. Got rid of the annoying tree, used Moonglow for the sky, added a tree in the distance so there's now 3 of them, and blocked the empty bit of road at the bottom right corner so that the viewer's gaze can't escape!

Here is is with the margins cropped - I had used masking tape to make it all pretty then I wrote all over the place!!

And my notes if you have too much time in your life! But I think I have a plan!!

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