Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Timber waiting for kitten to make an appearance

After about 10 days of no sketching, no drawing, I finally picked up my pens again and sketched what was in front of me, our dog and our new kitten. Well, the kitten is constantly moving. We might call him box of frogs! Impossible for me to capture him! I always struggled with drawing our previous cat. The dog was patiently waiting to get a glimpse of the kitten. He's finally relaxing more and not obsessing about the cat so much. But we've got a long way to go before we can play happy family!

So I will spare you all the frustrated attempts at sketching the kitten and give you a photo instead!

And you already know what our dog looks like. He's not quite as fat as he looks in this sketch!


  1. Aw!! Just noticing that their colourings are a bit similar....Hope you can play happy family soon. x

    1. Thank you Cathy. We're not there yet. It's a rollercoaster!
