Thursday, March 09, 2017

#OneWeek100People2017 - Day 4

I don't think I'll be able to fit any more in today - I'm going to yoga tonight and I could sketch there, but I don't want to! So, I'll have to catch up tomorrow or extend the deadline by a day or two. That's ok with me!! Today, I experimented with colour a little bit - not good on cheap paper, so I'll have to revisit that. And also I went to Croquis Café on YouTube and found some useful instructions on how to draw feet. I need to find a similar video for hands (and faces, and legs). So I want to practise that a bit with feet. Mmmm... Do I know a good foot model?
The other sketches were from a magazine and from the Coursera classes on Linguistics I'm doing online
I didn't do any life sketching - maybe I should hop on a tram at rush hour and practise!

So, that's 7 today. Another 36 to go!!

I think I'm actually getting a likeness for Marten and Inge now. Marc, not so much. He talks with his hands so much that it's hard to focus on his face! Check it out on these photos I found via Google:

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