I know I know, there is no day 6. This was supposed to be a 5-day project. But I was never one for the big marathons - So, this is going to take me a few days more!
Today was grey and I didn't feel like going anywhere to sketch real people, so I decided to stay home and try a few different things: drawing people from the newspaper, sports watercolours and another
Sktchy portrait.
I actually did one more post-it portrait last night.
Getting closer to one hundred. Will I reach the goal by tomorrow evening? Hard to predict!
Last night's final post-it - another lecturer on the Linguistics course from Leiden university on Coursera
The next few are from the Irish Times Saturday edition. We just started subscribing. Not sure if we'll go on with it though, as it wasn't delivered last Saturday and this morning, we got a text to say that today's paper delivery would be delayed due to the rugby match last night. Personally, I don't care about rugby, but I care about having the paper delivered before breakfast!
The two watercolours below are from the Irish Times again, from the sports supplement. I'm not sure I'd be able to capture real live action like that from the telly. But I like Number 82. And I just noticed I have two Number 77s.
The last one for today, unless I pick up my pen later tonight. This one is from Sktchy. The real Jessica is a lot prettier than this, but it was fun experimenting with watercolour flesh tones!