Thursday, April 30, 2020

The church, the tree and the ambulance

And here is how the painting ended up. It's quite clear from the title I gave it that I couldn't decide what my focal point would be. I'll definitely revisit this using what I learned from the workshop on composition with Uma Kelkar! So, maybe we'll use this painting as the "before" example. Let's see how I can push it!!
That said, let me tell you this: I didn't play with possible compositions, but I played with colours. The sky was blue, so is the church wall, and the grass was definitely green. So, for me, this is a big departure from literally painting what's in front of me!!

And yes, it is a scene from UCD, the university campus where we've been walking our dog for the past 32 days - I can't believe it's so long since I've been by the sea!