Thursday, September 13, 2018

Kavanagh's bar & lounge, Stoneybatter

Last week with Dublin Sketchers, in Stoneybatter. A part of the city I didn't know at all, really. But where I can see myself going back to explore and sketch some more. And eat cake. But not on a Sunday in Kavanagh's bar & lounge, where they won't even serve you tea. Or so I'm told. It was warm anyway.

It was a perfect day. Warmer than expected. And full of chat and laughter. I hadn't seen Emma all summer, and it felt so good to catch up. We chatted the whole time. Somehow, she didn't let that distract her from her sketching, though - her version is much better than mine. For one thing, she didn't run out of space at the bottom of the page like I did! I just started with the skyline around the turret and chatted and drifted from there. Until there was no room for a ground floor. Ah well!

And we also got our picture taken by a nice photographer, @cillsnaps on Instagram. He spotted a contrast that was quite interesting. Some other sketchers were not too keen on getting their picture taken. Me, I'm like "Yeah, I love to be the centre of attention! Did you know I've been on Belgian TV, and Portuguese TV?!!" But I must do something about my posture. I'm turning into my father, and I can hear my mother's voice telling him "tiens-toi droit(e)!"


  1. It was such a wonderful Sunday, we’ll have to do it soon again! I feel honoured to be mentioned on your blog Marie-Hélène, thank you! :-)

    1. Thanks Emma! Sorry I just saw your comment now! Yes, would love to get out and sketch more!
