Friday, June 07, 2024

Transit - Aer Lingus from Dublin to Nantes. Ouigo from Nantes to Paris, Paris Gare du Nord, and Brussels airport

OK, I'm jumping the gun a bit here, but I feel that it's easier to group these sketches in one category. The first was done at Dublin airport while waiting for our plane to Nantes. This is not our plane. But ours was pretty much the same, except not cartoony. I like flying. But I don't like travelling. It stresses me out. I need to be at airports hours before my flights. And sketching relaxes me. 

After our week in Nantes, Brendan flew home, while I took a fast train to Paris (the Ouigo, not the Inoui). The view kept flying by at 300KM/H. Only time for quick impressions in colour pencil (in my beautiful watercolour sketchbook - I know it's a shame, but watercolours would have taken too long to dry, and there was no time to wait.

Arrived at Paris Montparnasse. Got a taxi to Pari Gare du Nord. Got a good seat at a sushi place, looking out onto the street in front of the station. Lots of dodgy characters. They all came into the station when the rain started. Drawing with a fountain pen on cold-press watercolour paper wasn't a great idea. But better than not drawing at all.

Two days later, at Brussels airport. Waiting for bag drop to open. It opens 3 hours before the flight. I wasn't the only one ready ahead of time! Quick sketch with a black pencil in Exki. Should really add watercolour to it. Maybe another day.

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