Monday, June 03, 2024


Trying to notice what I notice. I love looking at irises, sketches of irises. But I'm not a flower painter (that's the voice in my head talking, let's call her Critical Odile. Sounds a bit like Crocodile. In French anyway.). So what do I do?

Well, a quick sketch, from a photo, is a good way to explore what I like about them. I love the mad shapes, and the vibrant colours, and also the delicate veins. We'll just take note of that for now and see where it goes.

Then I followed a nudge (Yes, I am loosely doing the Creative Shift online course - too much going on in life at the moment to give it my full attention, but I am picking up useful ideas). I wanted to draw with a thick watersoluble graphite stick. From another photo. There was rain drops on the flowers. Then I got the notion to add a green background with my Japanese watercolours. Always good to know when you've gone too far. Glad I took a photo at the graphite stage!

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