Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sketching in Dun Laoghaire

The afternoon started well. Lovely sunshine, found a great spot on Clarinda Park to sketch the roofs and chimneys from the back of Georges Street in Dun Laoghaire. Made lots of mistakes but didn't care. Drew, then added shadows in watercolours. Felt so in the zone.

Then halfway through my second sketch, got a message from my brother. My mother had had another fall, it seemed. She was complaining of a sore arm. The nurse in the nursing home thought she might have broken the top of her femur (the big bone in your leg, not your arm!). So Mum was going to the hospital again (second time in a week - I thought nursing homes were places where old people were looked after so that they wouldn't have falls!!). The first ER doctor who saw my brother said it could be very serious. So I abandoned my sketching, got myself home and Brendan looked at flights for Belgium. There was none available for the next 36 hours. It turns out that all staff at the European Commission were going back after a week's holiday. Then it turned out that my mother was right, it was her arm, not her leg. Not pleasant, but not quite so serious. So she spent two weeks in hospital, where she received great care. And I got to visit her. Now she's back in the nursing home. Hopefully she won't have another fall.  

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