Thursday, June 06, 2024

1-day workshop with Marion Rivolier

1st day in Nantes. It's cold and wet. I'm glad I brought my woolly hat and mittens. But sorry I didn't bring warmer layers. Wonderful workshop with Marion Rivolier. Mixing darks in watercolours and playing with value and temperature contrast. It's intense. But I'm learning so much. Exhausted by the end of the day! But it was worth it. Now all I need is a dry day to practise and integrate into my own way of painting! There is a lot that I know already, but don't use in my sketches or paintings. So I really want to practise a lot so it becomes natural to me. But also I want to not get lost in someone else's way of painting. I'm just in the process of accepting who I am as an artist and I can't get distracted from that!

Of course, my favourite bit was colour swatches! Even if I didn't have the exact colours required. But I'm not buying Russian watercolours, it's as simple as that. 

You can see that at this stage, I got tired. I should just have gone for a 10-minute break and a hot drink.

Far from my best work. I was exhausted and I am no good with a view finder anyway, so my composition went all over the place. I wasn't happy with the colours and my values went from too dark to too wishy washy. But this is a good reminder of what we learned.

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