Monday, June 10, 2024

A few people I hung out with

Still in Nantes (in my head anyway). Here are some of the lovely people I hung out with, even if briefly.

Maya, Souvik, Ben (and Brendan). Maya and myself spent a good bit of time sketching together on this trip. I love her company. She's passionate about sketching. And a very interesting person. Conversations with her are never dull! And we did manage to synchronise our schedules with Ben and Souvik eventually!

Sylvie from Montreal! I can't believe we bumped into each other at the last throwdown! We met for the first time in Porto, and both sketched in Amsterdam! I love the world of Urban Sketchers!

Patricia!! I was standing in the crowd for the group photo and someone behind me said "Are you Marie-Hélène?" It was Patricia from Drawing Attention!!! We had never met in person. We were in one Zoom call together when I used to work in the Social Media team and I was coordinating the delivery of pictures so we could promote the Urban Sketchers magazine, Drawing Attention. And she recognised me in a crowd! She lives in Washington DC!

Chantal from Nouméa. She made it. Herself and 3 other sketchers from New Caledonia made it to Nantes before the Nouméa airport was closed due to the riots. (2 others didn't manage to travel). I really was so thrilled to see her. We had met for the first time in Auckland last year!

Brendan of course! He's always there for me. Making sure I eat and don't wear myself out. Finding interesting spots for me to sketch. And taking pictures of sketchers along the way! Where would I be without him? He's the love of my life.

Caroline and her husband, Patrick, part of the Dublin gang. She is passionate about sketching.

Valerie and her husband, Maurice. Always in good form and positive about everything.

Christophe (and Brendan). Such a kind and considerate human being. Love hanging out with him!

Maya, Christophe and Olly, after a lovely dinner in Tapas y Vinos

Annah - such a warm-hearted person. It was lovely to catch up with her.

Peter, Maya, Allan and Pat. I didn't see Pat as much as I would have liked on this trip. We always seemed to be working on a different schedule. He's one of these people I feel privileged to have in my life.

Louise. She always brings a bit of glamour to a sketching event! And she has a talent for herding sketchers!

I don't have any picture of Barbara. But I did sketch her, so that will have to do! We are very much in synch when it comes to sketching. We don't fit in with the crowd. We just want to sketch sketch sketch. Our paths always seem to cross. Will probably see her again at the next French Urban Sketchers event!

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