Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sketching in Brussels

I was in Brussels for two nights after my trip to Nanges, visiting my Mum who was in hospital after one of many falls. She's back in the nursing home now, but it's a slow painful decline. Alzheimer's is no joke. She was in good form when I spent time with her though, which was lovely. But I had no energy for anything else. No wonder I can't tackle "proper" painting at the moment. So, I just have to manage my own energy and keep connected to my art in any way I can find, without putting pressure on myself. In order to do that, I didn't meet with family and friends on this trip. I just stayed in my hotel room, ate healthy foods from nearby shops, drank a vitamin drink and painted the view from my window. All direct watercolour. No pencil drawing. And the only brush I had with me was a little square brush I got in Pigment Tokyo. So, not ideal for painting detail, but I had fun with it. And on the last morning before going to the airport, I just had time for a colour study (nuancier du jour, in Marion Rivolier terminology). 


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