Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bare trees and water reflections, Kenmare

Some day, maybe, some of these will become paintings. For now, I don't have the energy to work on composition, values etc. I just want to quickly capture what it was that attracted me to take a photo of this particular place and particular time. It's just a feeling I have, this idea to continue sketching the Beara peninsula, from the comfort of my own home this time! It's simply what I need to do at this time. I'm following a nudge, in the terminology of Creative Shift. I'm actually so busy fitting in time to sketch and paint that I don't have any time for documenting any of it in my studio book (that's an Art Tribe term). No doubt there will be times again when I don't feel the compulsion to create so much, and then will be a good time to go back over everything I'm exploring at the moment and think about where it's leading me! Including pencil scribbles that I really like!

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