I have chosen one medium-sized palette for studio work and one small-sized one for urban and travel sketching. I already have several ready-filled palettes of course. But I really wanted these ones because I can fill them with my favourite colours! Plus they were not expensive.
So I really enjoyed picking my favourite colours from my watercolour tubes and organising them.
- I love Vanadium Yellow, because it mixes beautifully with Ultramarine. And it's so bright!
- But I also love Aureolin Yellow because of the vibrant greens it produces with Cobalt Blue.
- And Quinacridone Gold creates more muted colours.
- And I love PV19 (Ruby Red in the Schmincke range, but it's called many other names in different brands) because it's the perfect pinky red for roses.
- And then there is Pyrrol Red, which is really fire-engine red, but transparent at the same time.
- And Phthalo blue - so dark and transparent too.
- And Phthalo Turquoise and Cobalt PG50 for the sea.
- And crazy Phthalo Green, which becomes a subtle water hue when mixed with ultramarine. And produces rich dark greens when mixed with a touch of Pyrrol Red.
- And then the earth colours: Raw Sienna as a pale wash for a sky, Burnt Sienna to bring down the harshness of some green mixes.
- And Paynes Gray and Burnt Umber, both dull on their own, but useful for dark mixes, and they look surprisingly good together.
- And Green Apatite Genuine too, a dark ugly green, but it comes to life when you add a dash of yellow and I love to see how it mixes with Phthalo Blue, and how it granulates with Ultramarine!
In other words, I love colours! One of my favourite books is "Blue and Yellow don't Make Green", a whole book on colour theory. I can spend hours painting colour swatches!
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