Wednesday, August 31, 2016

What I could be wearing today

I had a quick look in Zara's at the weekend. I don't often try clothes on, unless I'm really in the mood for buying, which is rare. But I had seen this black dress with red roses in the window, and it's my kind of dress, I have to say. I picked up a few other things to try on, but bought nothing.

Quite a nice top actually, I might go back. 

Here is the dress. It is nice, an imitation of the Dolce & Gabana style of last year or the year before. But, 1: when would I be wearing a dress like that? 2: I thought it wasn't that well finished for the price (€60) - I get the feeling the long zip at the back is likely to catch as there is not enough room for it.

As you can see, it's very long - I would have to wear it with black tights and high heels. I was tempted, but it's still a no.

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