Monday, July 29, 2024

More clouds

Trying to go a little stronger with the feeling of volume in my clouds, still using more or less the same mix in gouache, although I did add a touch of Schmincke Cerulean Cobalt or something like that (it's Cobalt Cerulean actually). It is watercolour, but works nicely mixed with white gouache. It makes a nice Irish blue sky, I think, although I have forgotten what that looks like. We've had nothing but grey and rain in the last 3 days! And the shadows in the clouds are done with the same mix, plus some Permanent Alizarin Crimson, some Hansa Yellow Medium and a little Magenta (all watercolours, mixed with white gouache). Lots of softening with a big brush that keeps loosing hairs in the middle of the painting!

Painted on Saunders Waterford cold press, about a quarter sheet.

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