Saturday, July 06, 2024

Clouds over the hills


This one, again, is a view I have already explored. More than once actually. Beara Peninsula. Crazy intense light in the clouds. It's all about the clouds. But I still needed to anchor them in the landscape. Where some of the mountains disappear in the haze. And the hill closer to me is clear cut against the sky.

For this one, I used a mix of ultramarine blue and burnt umber. It's all about getting the balance right. and then working wet, but not too wet. And leaving enough of the white of the paper for the intense light that's hitting the clouds. I had to use a hair dryer before I could paint the mountains, both the distant one and the close-up one, for which I added yellow to my mix. And then I had to use gouache to get its shape right and the bare rocks glistening in the light. But I'm happy with how it's worked out. 

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