Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Clouds and mountains should be merging

So this cloud effect that I was after didn't work out so well in this instance. I was just using watercolour. Maybe I should have added some gouache, or used a blue that contains some white in it?But really, composition and values were off, so there wasn't much I could do to redeem it. I do like the mountain effect yellow on pale yellow that I achieved with a fine brush, though. Maybe if I did it all in yellow, just increasing the value as I get closer and closer?

I've added three different yellows in Neocolor to try and unify it more. Definitely something to mull over!

Other attempts, with watercolour paper. Didn't wait for it to dry enough and ended up with a mess. The cold and damp weather is definitely not helping! But, really, it's a matter of patience, or maybe I should be using a hair dryer!

I do love the pencil scribbles. Looking at the colours I chose for my pencils is definitely telling me something about the colours I want to use.

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