Friday, July 26, 2024

A cut-off teapot

I subscribe to James Gurney's newsletter. I'm not a paid subscriber, but I find that his free newsletter is full of useful tips and inspiration. In a recent one, he talked about working in black and white only to explore values. That resonated with me. Let's call it a seed. I need to write that down somewhere! Done. I always keep little post-its on my bedside table for that purpose. This note will make it to one of my notebooks at some stage. Easier than my Microsot ToDo on my phone, where I have to keep moving things forward if I don't want them to disappear in the large list of things that didn't get done!

Lesson learned? 

  1. A light pencil sketch to make sure I could fit the teapot onto the page would have been useful! 
  2. I can't resist colour!

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