Thursday, November 25, 2021

Adding to existing pages - fishes and birds, lines and circles

This is all work in progress. I'm going back over pages that were pure exercises or that felt like they lacked something, and I'm connecting them to the overall story. Can anyone come up with a good story involving fish, crows, circles, mushroom, ladies in lovely long dresses and pumpkins?

This is one of the first exercises we did, basically trying out the various brushes we were going to use for the course. I decided to add little vignettes of the various themes I cover in my sketchbook. And yes, all of a sudden, it's no longer a practise page, but a fun spread where a fish meets his own remains, and where little people are stuck in a bubble. Lots of possible interpretations!

This was a practise page using different brushes to make a long line in watercolour. Adding fish turns it into a river or a pond!

A little person, a fish and some mushroom, hidden in these gas giants, or mini-ecosystems, or glass beads, whatever you see in them!

Another exercise page turned into a fun twist on the same theme.

The lovely lady then decided to go for a swim amongst the blue bubbles. She turned from purple to blue as she swam. A blue triggerfish was waiting for her at the end

As the blue bubbles became smaller, there was more and more blue triggerfish swimming. The paper plane became a blue submarine.

A lone blue triggerfish found himself lost amongst the seashells.

The seashells turned a lovely peach colour. And a happy fish (he had escaped the shark after all) emerged from the seaweed forest.

This was a page with a practise of dropping paint wet-on-wet. To me it looked like seaweed standing at the bottom of the sea. One happy little fish is ready to go and hide amongst the seaweed! He managed to escape the shark!

Much as I loved this page with the fish, it lacked a connection with the other pages. So I've added a line of little ladies holding hands and happily floating amongst the fish!

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