Monday, November 29, 2021

Clogher Head, seen from Clogher Beach

Finally back to painting! An interpretation of the rocks on Clogher Beach, with Clogher Head in the distance. Someone told me that the rocks looked a bit like mussels. Which probably means I should have included a person for scale. They are big rocks! I'll have to think about that! But for now, I'm happy! (Quarter sheet size - I probably need to figure out where to place my person before I go one size bigger!)

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Camden Street

I never miss an opportunity for urban sketching! This is Devitt's pub on Camden Street. I've actually never been inside this pub. But it sure looks lovely from the outside. And they do traditional music too - although 9pm is a tad late for me!

What really interested me about this view, apart from the fact that I was sitting behind a bin, is how we as a nation have embraced outdoor dining and drinking.We didn't have much of a choice I'll hear you say. That's true. But never let a good pandemic go to waste. I think it's wonderful to see outdoors seating and umbrellas everywhere. We've been lucky so far this year, with relatively mild and dry weather. Things might be different when the winter storms start hitting!

PS: I have no idea about the story behind the man holding the clock on the side of the building! If anyone knows, drop me a line!

I had a delicious chicken and brie toasted ciabatta in Fresh down the road, and sketched some more. (This is a few weeks back, when we felt that indoor dining was relatively safe - the situation is changing rapidly around Europe!)

And here is the urban sketcher photo. I added colour while sitting outside Café Nero just across the road from the pub.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

My fishies story sketchbook

 And if you're interested, here's the whole sketchbook, from start to finish!

Connecting pages

Telling the story by creating connecting pages between pages that were created independently, with no plan for connection!

Little people, planets and mushrooms

Connecting mushroom and little people

Connecting little people on mushroom and the ocean

Connecting lines and circles

and connecting the shark fin sticking up - the shark fin is actually a sleeve of a person floating over the ocean, but I'm seeing opportunities for stories everywhere now. I'm seeing the circles also as moons, connected with the tides, or floating plankton even!

Connecting blue monochrom layers to page with elements from nature

The previous page had a fish eaten by a bird or two. So I added a couple fishbones to this page too.

From mushrooms under a red moon to a brush practise page. I enjoyed playing with my Japanese calligraphy brush. This is very different from the other pages, more abstract. So I added a few little ladies and mushrooms to provide a better connection.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Telling a story

Some of my connected pages are telling a story that  I'm enjoying a lot!

Fish happily swimming in the sea

Fish looks up at the moons and sees a big raven looking down at him.

A crow and a rook relaxing after a satisfying meal! This is a world with several moons. Wherever you look, you will see moons circling the sky.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Adding to existing pages - fishes and birds, lines and circles

This is all work in progress. I'm going back over pages that were pure exercises or that felt like they lacked something, and I'm connecting them to the overall story. Can anyone come up with a good story involving fish, crows, circles, mushroom, ladies in lovely long dresses and pumpkins?

This is one of the first exercises we did, basically trying out the various brushes we were going to use for the course. I decided to add little vignettes of the various themes I cover in my sketchbook. And yes, all of a sudden, it's no longer a practise page, but a fun spread where a fish meets his own remains, and where little people are stuck in a bubble. Lots of possible interpretations!

This was a practise page using different brushes to make a long line in watercolour. Adding fish turns it into a river or a pond!

A little person, a fish and some mushroom, hidden in these gas giants, or mini-ecosystems, or glass beads, whatever you see in them!

Another exercise page turned into a fun twist on the same theme.

The lovely lady then decided to go for a swim amongst the blue bubbles. She turned from purple to blue as she swam. A blue triggerfish was waiting for her at the end

As the blue bubbles became smaller, there was more and more blue triggerfish swimming. The paper plane became a blue submarine.

A lone blue triggerfish found himself lost amongst the seashells.

The seashells turned a lovely peach colour. And a happy fish (he had escaped the shark after all) emerged from the seaweed forest.

This was a page with a practise of dropping paint wet-on-wet. To me it looked like seaweed standing at the bottom of the sea. One happy little fish is ready to go and hide amongst the seaweed! He managed to escape the shark!

Much as I loved this page with the fish, it lacked a connection with the other pages. So I've added a line of little ladies holding hands and happily floating amongst the fish!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Cobblestone

Dublin Sketchers were meeting at Smithfield, so I couldn't pass the opportunity to sketch the Cobblestone pub, a famous traditional music pub currently under threat from a hotel development. It's so sad to see so much of what makes Dublin so special disappearing, taken over by bland office and hotel developments. If it keeps on going like this, there will be nothing for the tourists to come to Dublin for. And we'll have all these empty hotels. I just don't get it! And it makes me so angry. And you might be able to see from my sketch that the three adjacent buildings are boarded up and supported by steels. They were probably acquired by a developer years ago and they've let them collapse to the point that the only thing that can be done is to pull them down and build something new. Why does this keep happening? What is wrong with our planning laws and those who are responsible for their implementation?


We got photographed by Tom Mulligan I believe and our photo was posted on the Cobblestone pub Instagram page. Famous at last! I'm the one in the middle!

Monday, November 22, 2021

floating ladies, and a shark

I'm still jumping around the pages of this sketchbook, finding connections between unrelated elements! So here, I've decided that my lovely ladies in their fabulous stripy dresses should be floating amongst the fish! One of the ladies was too large to fit on the page, so I let her sleeve float above the water.

And you know what happened when I turned the page? I saw a yellow shark fin popping up at the top! So I painted a fun stripy yellow shark, with lots of vertical floaty seaweed, and added a tiny little fish hiding at the bottom! Will he escape the shark's teeth?

A close-up of the ladies and the fish looking up at them!

Sketching while waiting

 Waiting in the car for an appointment .

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Building site

I do love a good building site - particularly when it's not destroying the old Dublin . This site on Adelaide road was a nondescript ESB building for a long long time. As far back as I remember, actually, and I lived on that road in 1987. I loved our flat on Adelaide Road. I shared with Máire and we've been friends since. We knew we would get on when I turned from cleaning the fridge the day we moved in together and said "that's clean enough for me, what do you think?" - Those were simple days.  I had lived in a flat on Leeson Street, round the corner, for a year, but the landlady needed me out. She had this other place on Adelaide road, and Máire was a friend of a friend of a friend. The flat was basic. We share a bedroom. The bathroom was separated from the kitchen by a very thin partition. But it was in an old Georgian house. The kitchen was South-facing and we had a view of the mountains. The sitting room was cosy and it had this wonderful fireplace that we stripped of its ugly red paint, revealing beautiful cast iron and tiles. And Máire taught me how to light a fire. And how to move a telly into the bedroom quicker than it took the TV licence inspector to walk up the stairs! We got a cat, Misha, who never saw a vet in his life and who used to think our coal stack was his personal loo. Kay used to live in the bedsit one level up. And Laurel and Hardy lived in a flat on the top floor. 
The memories kept flooding in!

And I do love a cement pump on a building site! And those yellow plastic caps they put on top of metal bars!

Full drawing done on location, colour added in the café later. Did I say it was cold?

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Mexican with a Mission

Hot food on a cold day. I highly recommend Zambrero, in the Vaults at the top of Harcourt Street. A simple Chilli Zin Carne bowl was exactly what I needed. We kept on chatting about sketching, how long it takes for watercolour to dry in Ireland in November, etc etc. Meanwhile lawyer-types started streaming in for their takeaway lunch, and I just kept on sketching. I added a bit of yellow watercolour pencil when I got home, and called it done!

This is how it looked when I left the place

Friday, November 19, 2021

Top of Harcourt Street

Trying to capture areas of Dublin that are currently undergoing major transformation. These lovely little houses in front of me, behind the bicycles, used to house shops and cafés. I used to work in the building on the right and would often go for lunch with the other project managers in a café there. Simple fare, homely. Now I suspect these buildings will be gone within the year, to be replaced by more offices and hotels. I just find it so sad that Dublin is being ripped up, and its people ripped off. You can't buy a house in Dublin anymore, there aren't enough being built, and rent is exorbitant, over €3000 monthly rent for a semi-detached in suburbia. And let's not talk about built-to-rent apartments going up everywhere!

Anyways, a lovely time spent sketching this view, including bikes, builders, and a very strange van!

And did I mention it was cold, and I took refuge in a Starbucks with tables in the window!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

End pages

The next stage in this wonderful Domestika course with Laura McKendry, was to design End Pages, that pick up on the themes I explore in this sketchbook. Fishes, circles/moons/planets, pumpkins, stripes, just to start with! And you might notice that some of the fishes are made of cut-out dresses I had designed for my lovely ladies! Can you see I'm enjoying myself?