Monday, September 30, 2019

De Sluyswacht

Just started Liz Steel's Sketching Now On Location, and I'm falling behind already, but you know what, it doesn't matter - I'll do it at my own pace and take the time to absorb the basic concepts. I'm sure I won't be the only one. Lesson 1 was packed with theory, information, demonstrations, tips and assignments. All good stuff, but a lot to take in! I have no problem with sketching on location per se - actually it's one of my favourite activities! What matters to me is that I apply what I learn along the way to my sketching, rather than complete the assignments quickly. And I am already thinking differently when I start a new sketch - actually I'm simply thinking about what matters to me in the view that's in front of me, rather than jumping in without a thought. (Sketching with abandon is probably my modus operandi. But a minute or two of looking and thinking before I pick up my pen won't hurt!).

So here is where I got so far, and I was really pleased with the result in white, grey and black, after a few thumbnails, which I found frustrating, but which helped me understand the scene in front of my eyes. This assignment was to work from a photo, so I used one from Amsterdam, a scene I didn't get to sketch while I was there! I still have to do a version with two colours (and then an on-location sketch using the same principles). That might have to wait until next week as I have a few busy days ahead of me!

Learning so much, and loving it! But in my own time!

Here are the photos I have

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