Tuesday, June 04, 2019


I've been thinking about food a lot lately. That is not my normal mode. But I am one of the Dublin Sketchers whose sketchbooks will be in the Olivier Cornet Gallery over the Bloomsday weekend (15-16 June) for the Olives, Oysters and Oranges exhibition. So any time I get a chance, I sketch my food. Which is basically any time I'm on my own for a meal, which is not very often. And it's not like I'm eating really exciting stuff. But it's about the drawing, not the food itself, isn't it? Although I have to say that the tomato and basil soup was lovely.

'They say they used to give pauper children soup to change to protestants in the time of the potato blight. Society over the way papa went to for the conversion of poor jews. Same bait. Why we left the church of Rome.'

An interesting quote from Ulysses, about the connection between food and religion, and Leopold Bloom's thoughts about poverty and famine, and also how Jews were converted and absorbed through Irish society. I do know some people with very Jewish names who have been Catholics for a few generations. I wonder why their ancestors converted?

There are lots of events taking place for the Bloomsday Festival. Do check the website and find an event for you. There's a lot to choose from!

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