Saturday, June 15, 2019

Big sky

It's great to be in experimenting mode, trying different ways of painting. This little painting of a big sky is one of these experiments. I did three versions of the sky, on three different papers, and when they were dry, I added a couple of trees. They all turned out very different. This is the third one, and as is often the case for me, it took the other two versions to work out what would work and what wouldn't. It's almost as if I have to reinvent how I paint with each new project. Well, that's the joy of not painting for commercial reasons, I guess - I am free to try things out, without any pressure to succeed!

Layer 1
This one, I painted in a sketchbook - the paint behaves very differently. As my reference photo had a bare tree in it, that's what I tried to paint. A bit stiff and dark.

Layer 1

This one started with a lot of paint mixing and going darker. I decided to add foliage to the tree. It didn't help matters!

Layer 1

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