Saturday, January 23, 2010


I'm still working on another interpretation of my view of the Irish Sea from Killiney Hill - another watercolour - this time in a bigger format. I've just completed a very pale wash of lemon yellow with permanent rose for the golden clouds. It probably will cause me problems when I lay my blue wash over it, but I hope it will be pale enough not to go all green on me. The start is always full of hope. Like an Irish summer.

We walked Killiney beach last Saturday. It was a bright, blustery morning and the fresh air felt good. The waves were crashing heavily on the beach, rolling the pebbles by the millions. Brendan managed to take a few good pictures of the waves (I was hopeless, pressing the shutter button a fraction of a second too early or too late). This one will go into my collections of  ideas for painting (I will need to live another 100 years to complete all these projects!)

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