Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I'm reading a big book on art at the moment, quite inspirational, and full of practical tips. I'll give you all the details in a future post. They cover drawing, oils, acrylics, watercolours, pastels. There are plenty of paintings illustrating the concepts, and it's one of these lovely big books that I know I'll keep coming back to.

One of the tips is to draw a little bit (even just 10 minutes) every day. The idea is that drawing is the foundation for painting, and you need to practise your craft to hone your skills. I used to draw quite a bit, but have not done so lately, and I can feel it - my eye and hands are not as sharp. I was never a very talented drawer (is there such a word?), but practise definitely makes a difference.

Left hand and feet are a handy subject (pardon the pun). So there we are!

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