Saturday, April 04, 2009

Revolutionary Road

I occasionally watch The View on the RTE website, and they were reviewing Revolutionary Road, the movie with Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio. They didn't give it a great review, but they said "Read the book". So I did. And I wasn't disappointed. Revolutionary Road is a story of suburbia, life ambitions that got killed by - well - normal life. It's set in the mid fifties, and it has a feel of Mad Men, the constant smoking and drinking, the man working in the city while the wife stays at home to look after the house and the children. But that life is not enough, at least not for her. He says he wants more, but really he doesn't. He works in a large company, that sounds like an early IBM, where he does as little as possible. He is full of pompous ideas, but doesn't put any of them into action. He goes along with her plans for a more meaningful life, but drops the idea at the first opportunity. It's quite a serious and intense book, and a very good story.

I have to say I wouldn't mind seeing the movie now, and I can really pictures Winslet and DiCaprio as April and Frank Wheeler.

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