Saturday, December 18, 2021

At last - the construction site

I've done it! I've sat in the middle of the lawn in the middle of our housing estate, and I sketched the construction site behind our neighbours' houses. I know I'm not the only urban sketcher who is fearless anywhere in the world, but is reluctant to sketch closer to home. Well my house was literally across the road to my left as I sketched this! Of course, the moment I started, I completely forgot any concern about neighbours or twitching curtains! And the following day, a lady said "was that you sitting there in the middle of the green?". Typical! Well, I didn't pick a discreet corner. I wanted the best view to show how big this block of apartments is going to be behind the existing houses! 

And I was lucky that the crane was actually moving these tubes from A to B while I was sketching, so I managed to capture it in action!

This is the finished sketch: watercolour pencil and darker marker added at home, along with a few windows.

This is how far I got before the cold got to me, despite wearing my heaviest coat!

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