Monday, January 04, 2021

Onsen town in winter

This is a view of an onsen town in the Nagano prefecture in Japan. I found the photo of the scene on Facebook. It was posted by a friend of a friend. Since the friend I'm talking about died nearly 10 years ago, I've been friends on Facebook with this person, although I've never actually met him. I'm sure if she's looking down, she'd find that weird! But to me, that's the power of the friendships she cultivated.

I don't even know the name of this town, as I can't find the original post anymore. Typical Facebook problem! But what struck me, and what I hope I have been able to suggest here, is all these snow-covered roofs - they're all in shadow, but they reflect so much light, and somehow, the square roof in the bottom left is reflecting some of the rising/setting sun. Maybe it's because it's a flat roof? Or it's standing a little higher than the others?

And if you think the roofs are snow-covered because the houses are well insulated, you're probably wrong. Houses in Japan are not that well heated. Although, maybe in the Nagano prefecture, they are. They do get a lot of snow and cold weather!

And here is my original sketch in my sketchbook, which I always find is more luminous than the finished watercolour. Different paper. Different energy.

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