Saturday, February 04, 2012

Arizona Stripes

I find the iPad is a great tool for doodling - though I spend more time looking at sheep-herding rabbit videos than actually creating original art. That's the problem with Facebook, Flipboard and all those sites - we all end up reading and watching bits and pieces that are of minor interest, rather than finishing a good book. Has anyone looked at statistics of how long it takes the average person to read a book nowadays? I just know that I'll go through my Facebook and Flipboard tidbits before I pick up my book at the end of the evening. I love my Flipboard, where I can find my customized sample of news and lifestyle articles, and I enjoy catching up with my friends and family on Facebook (though some of my best friends are still resisting the lure of social networking!). But an hour has gone by, and it's time to go to sleep. And the beautiful book I'm reading at the moment, The Housekeeper + The Professor, will have to wait another day!

But last night, I did use my iPad for creative purposes. ArtRage is a good app for trying things out. I had in my mind some colours I wanted to experiment with for a Zazzle project. Painting it with ArtRage was the easy bit, actually. I spent a good bit of time after that figuring out a way to make my painting larger to I can use it for a design in Zazzle, without losing in resolution. I haven't found the perfect solution yet, but I got a workaround that will work for the current project. But now that I've found you can design napkins, kitchen towels and even pillows in Zazzle, I'm going to have to design in a much larger size. I don't think that's going to work with an iPad, unless the iPad 3 enables me to work at a higher resolution!

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