Saturday, January 03, 2009

Australia - Details

I called my acrylics experiment "Australia" - red earth, big intense blue sky, a lot of emptiness.

Here are some of the details that are worth keeping, as the basis for something else, at least:
The top part was achieved by adding a bit of structure gel with a knife, mixed with yellow paint, and then painting glazes in blue and red over it, dragging the brush over the relief to uncover the original layer. Before the gel dried, I dragged a stick through it, and I wrote a few words.
Unfortunately, the structure gel is quite shiny, and it stands out thickly from the canvas paper, so there is too much contrast with the other half of the painting. In retrospect, I should have applied a thin layer of gel as a foundation for the whole thing.
The bottom is probably the best part - not as shiny, though I did use some structure gel for the yellow at the bottom, and for the dark hill shape in the middle ground and the grasses at the front.
This bit is quite organic. I used a plastic knife to apply the dark paint vertically

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