Saturday, June 18, 2022

Ukrainian Crisis Centre Ireland

After sketching at marches and protests for Ukraine, it was such a privilege to be invited to the official opening of the Ukrainian Crisis Centre in Ireland at the Guinness Enterprise Centre. And yes, if you click on the link, you will see that they are using my sketch on their Facebook page! I am so pleased and delighted!

After getting my photo taken (Did you notice my nice dress?) with Nataliya, I stood at the back of the room and sketched everything that caught my eye, including the speakers, Nicky, and Larysa Gerasko, the Ukraine ambassador to Ireland, and also Zoryana, who was filming the event, the audience in front of me, the balloons and flags, and also the church on Thomas Street, which dominates the landscape when you look to the right.

A warm-up sketch while waiting for the guests. All out of proportions. But never mind!