Monday, January 03, 2022

St Kevin's park

19 December and we're still sketching outdoors! (I told you I'm always late posting to my blog!!). As if we had a choice!! It's that or no sketching together. And we all realise how important sketching as a group has helped us through the last 22 months. Why am I still counting the months? At the current rate, it will be 5 or 6 years before life goes back to normal. If it ever does. So my philosophy is to make the most of what we have - even it means I am sitting outdoors on a cool winter's afternoon. It wasn't exactly cold, but there was a dampness in the air. Let's just say we were glad of the outdoor heaters afterwards!

St Kevin's park is not well known, but it's got a lot on offer for sketchers, even in the winter. And shock, horror, the building beside it, Kevin Street, the college, is gone. The building is now a pile of rubble! Glad I had sketched it the last time we were there, in 2016. That's what we do as urban sketchers, we document what's there! And also, we document our own journey as artists. On this occasion, I do feel I have learned a bit about drawing and painting, even though I still have a long journey before I'm 100% happy with my sketches!

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