Saturday, August 03, 2024

Intent and feelings

Trust the process, I hear her say (She knows who she is!). 

So I picked three feelings out of my box of feelings, and one design principle, one design element and two tools from my box of techniques. Why do I need a box of feelings, I hear you ask! Well, some of us neurodivergents find it hard to identify how we feel. So, picking a feeling from a box, and testing it helps me to identify what feels right at a particular time. It might not be anything that stays permanently with me. But it helps me to "channel" a feeling when I'm painting.

The feelings I picked from the box were Rebellious, Isolated and Yearning (other feelings came up, but they didn't feel right at the time). I worked in water-soluble graphite first to explore the marks that came to me for each feeling, then moved to my watercolour thumbnails. Here is what they look like. Top left is Rebellious, Top right is Isolated, and the two at the bottom are Yearning. Not 100% sure about the last two yet.

How do you identify your feelings?

Here are larger pictures of the four thumbnails (They are postcard-size):

And here are the graphite thumbnails:

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