Monday, January 21, 2013


OK, I'd better start on the Christmas movies - if I do one a day, I'll be done in a couple of weeks! We did watch a lot of movies over the Christmas holidays.
Although they are part of my childhood, and I probably read every single one of them many times over, I am not a fan of Tintin - plenty of adventure and exotic locations, lots of slapstick fun with the Thompson twins, no doubt, but Tintin is just too square for me. It's really for boys only. The only female character is the Castafiore opera singer, and she is hardly a role model for little girls! I was more a Yoko Tsuno fan. Girl Power before it had a name!
That said, Spielberg's cartoon/movie version is done pretty well. Great graphics, sweeping story (which according to my father is a combination of two books).
Would I keep it for the next time my little nephew is over? Maybe.
Will I watch it again? No.

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