OK, time to continue with my 2 line-review of movies I've seen recently! Not that we've been to the pictures much. It's mostly videos and TV!
- K-Pax - With Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges. We'd seen a bit of it before, it must have been on a flight. Anyways, it was on the telly, and we watched it all. It's a bit intriguing (K-Pax is the planet where Kevin Spacey is from, or is it? He is in a mental asylum, and his psychiatrist doesn't know what to believe anymore), but it's got a strong heart of a story.
- Opal Dream - This is probably a movie we would not have noticed if we hadn't just been back from Australia. Opal Dream is the story of a family in the heart of Australia, a small place where opal mining is the main activity. The little girl has 2 imaginary friends, who disappear in a mining incident, and she is very upset. As she gets quite ill with grief, her older brother (who is about 10) sets out to help her and find out what happened to them.
- Blood Diamond - Leonardo DiCaprio has grown into a fine man and a fine actor. Even in this role, he still looks a little bit boyish, but what a performance. A gruesome story - the diamond trade and its links to the plight of children soldiers in Africa is not an easy subject, but this movie managed to tell the story with honesty while at the same time appealing to those who just want a good action move.
Curse of the Golden Flower - A Chinese movie telling the story of an empress trying to fight off her emperor's plot to poison her. And the emperor's 3 sons' lives dominated by their father, and how they deal with it. Big production. Fabulous sets and costumes. And quite a few twists. Unlike a lot of the Chinese movies I've seen so far, this one doesn't have many Kung Fu type fighting scenes. Check out the website's photo gallery for a taste of the beautiful colours, costumes, sets and scenes.
More to come... You'll have to wait. Dinner's ready!
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