Monday, June 21, 2010

A Type of Beauty - The Launch

I had never been to a book launch  - until yesterday. Patricia O'Reilly, one of the authors we work for, invited us to the launch of her new book, A Type of Beauty. The launch was held at the Dun Laoghaire National Yacht Club, a perfect location on a lovely summer's evening.

There was a good crowd there. Mary Kenny introduced Patricia, who then went on to tell us a bit about how she got interested in the life of Kathleen Newton, and read us two excerpts, before signing copies of her book (I already have my signed copy, which I bought directly from her website, using the Paypal button I had created for it!).

Patricia tells a story well, whether she's talking about Eileen Gray, Kathleen Newton, or even about a problem with the computer or the layout of her website.

Since I started writing this post, I've actually begun reading the book. It's a page turner, and I'm well into it already, enjoying the local colour of India, and the drama unfolding. I know I'm reading a book I'm going to enjoy when I can hear the voice in my head talking to the protagonists (in this case telling Kate "No, don't tell him.You did nothing wrong. Don't listen to the priest!")

And I did get to wear my nice clothes to the launch - my little flowery Boden skirt with my fuschia Boden cardigan. I'm having trouble uploading the picture, so you'll have to wait a bit before you can see it.

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