Thursday, March 05, 2009

Brick Lane - the Movie

Mary gave me a loan of a book a couple of years ago - Brick Lane, the story of a young Bangladeshi woman married to an older man in England, and how her life works out in London. It was a good story, a book I enjoyed reading - there was a lot of sadness in it, but also a lot of strength and love.

So, when Brendan taped the movie on the telly a few weeks back (we have NTL digital with a recorder machine - very handy), I was delighted to have it to watch at my leisure! 

The movie goes back and forth more than the book, with Nazneem retreating into happy memories of her childhood whenever she finds her life in England too hard to take, but it works, and I found it was quite a faithful adaptation of the book. It didn't show as much of Nazneem's sister's life as the book. So I felt it lacked the contrast of the 2 very different lives, and how, after all, Nazneem is lucky in her life in England, despite her longing for home. Her husband, if a bit of a fool, is a kind man, and he loves her in his own way.

And the saris she wears throughout are just gorgeous. I would watch it again just to see those beautiful colourful fabrics.

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