It's not that long since we were in the Botanic Gardens, but a couple of months makes a huge difference in how it feels. I could go there every month and be happy. Actually winter time is better because I can get free parking relatively close!!
There is lots to see and enjoy, but I am drawn to the same location always, by the pond. I do love the water. Although I didn't really paint it.
We don't get the same glorious fall colours as they do in other parts of the world, but it's been so mild that a lot of trees are still quite green and lively looking. It shouldn't be so mild of course. 16 degrees in November is not normal. Normally, we'd be lucky to get that in August here in Dublin. In the meantime, our so-called leaders are all flying back and forth to Egypt to make passionate speeches about the climate, but take absolutely no action when they get back home. In 2020, we had over 1.48 million dairy cows producing milk on approximately 18,000 dairy farms (Teagasc, 2020). Travel up and down the country. I guarantee you that you will not see that many cows in the fields. And you certainly will not see them going back to the barn to be milked twice a day. You will see, on the other hands, lots of barns, discreetly dotted over the landscape. And remember those first few ships that came out of Ukraine after a deal was brokered to let them export their grain? Well, it was the third ship I think. It came to Ireland. The grain was to feed animals.
So I sat on my little stool by the pond. It sank halfway into the sodden ground. I managed to stay dry. A few squirrels and ducks thought I was bringing food. I shooed them away.
At this time of the year, it's essential to carry two sketchbooks if you want to sketch in watercolour. It takes forever to dry. When I was done, I walked towards the greenhouse, chatted with a few fellow sketchers. Noticed the dark clouds. I bet 50 euros that it was going to rain. I went into the tropical greenhouse. And I was right. I didn't collect my winnings, but I felt pretty smug all the same. I've been living here since 1986. I know how to read an Irish sky.
It was busy in the greenhouse (not too many other places to take shelter), so I stood and sketched in pen with brown ink and grey marker. Then I chatted with a few people, and went to the pub, where I sketched some more!