Trying out a few colours for an upcoming workshop. You know when the instructor gives you a list of what to bring. Being quite literal, I'm one of these people that brings exactly what was on the list. Well, this year, I'm going to be a rebel, and drop Yellow Ochre - maybe it's the brand I have, but I definitely don't like it, so I'm going to replace it with Monte Amiata Natural Sienna.
And I have been avoiding Paynes Gray and Burnt Umber, for, like, forever. So, Paynes' Gray - the jury's still out - I have 3 different versions in my "bag of paint tubes I don't use". I like this one from Daniel Smith, so I'll stick with it, for now.
And the big revelation is Burnt Umber! Why did I avoid this colour all my life? I clearly never tried to mix it! Look at the last 2 pictures down below, and you'll understand why I am going to have to make room for Burnt Umber in my palette now!! That rainbow caterpillar where I sandwich colours between Burnt Umber and Paynes' Gray was the happiest moment!!