Sunday, September 15, 2024

Glasnevin Cemetery

It was a perfect late summer's day. I love roaming among the old graves in Glasnevin Cemetery. I always seem to find myself in the older section of the graveyard, where trees grow all around the tombstones. There's a great variety of styles, although not quite as imposing as in a French graveyard, where even the smallest village has family crypts and ornate stonework.

Apparently, there is some disease decimating the trees, so I thought it would be good to sketch one before they all disappear. Glasnevin won't be the same if all the trees die. I wonder are they planning to plant new ones?

This was the sketch as done on location. I added the dramatic purple background at home, as well as some texture with markers and pencils.

Then I did a quick second sketch before going to the café and getting an icecream. Aren't we lucky to have a café in a cemetery??!!

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