Saturday, July 13, 2019


Oh I do love a good industrial scene! Two weeks ago, Dublin Sketchers were in the Docklands area, where there is a lot of construction happening. Probably all offices and maybe a few fancy apartments and a hotel or two. Nothing that will solve our homeless crisis, that's for sure.

The person who was organising the location told us there were good views from the balcony of the Gibson Hotel. And she was right. I spent most of my afternoon there, drinking lots of tea and eating a delicious waffle to stay warm!
I started the afternoon standing at a bus stop, under the cover of a construction hoarding. It was raining a bit. But the view was gorgeous, high-rise blocks, the canal opening onto the Liffey, cranes, the mountains in the distance. I worked with three Ecoline markers, to keep things simple!

After a warming cup of green tea, I settled into my main sketch of the afternoon, a mix of watercolour pencils, Ecoline markers and watercolour. I loved the colour of the portakabins and the cranes. And the sun must have come out for a bit, as I even saw (and painted!) shadows on the ground. A rare thing this summer in Ireland!

I still had time for one more. I had a chamomile tea then, so I wouldn't be too hyper. And a waffle for a little sugar boost. I sketched standing up, using a Pentel brush pen mainly, and some watercolour pencils. It was a bit messy. But I added colours, darks and patterns when I got home, and I'm happy with how it turned out.

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