Thursday, February 20, 2025

Diary Painting

Haven't touched my diary painting since before Christmas (writing this on 21 January). But now, I'm feeling the pull to try new things.

So I went from this (lots of black and ochre ArtGraf:

To this (lots of oil pastel and a layer of matt medium on top:

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Sky and sea - or Sky and sky

Moving on from stones and mountains to skies, and maybe seas. I am exploring the elements that inspire me. I haven't really done fire yet, well at least not consciously.

These few were inspired by a sunset I saw from the window in mid-January. Bringing my exploration closer to home and noticing what inspires me. I did these in sketchbooks and loose paper. The different papers really made a big difference. I used an Etchr sketchbook (cold press, I think? - even left page and right page felt very different), a Baohong sketchbook and a quarter sheet of Bockingford cold press.

I like the one with the least texture (number 3) and the one with the most texture (5). Now I need to spend a bit of time with them to see what calls out to me.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Dublin Castle - State Apartments

It was a good day to be in a warm indoors location to sketch. And the State Apartments in Dublin Castle are always such a treat! Not too many tourists on this mid-January day, so I really relaxed into sketching. I had decided to work in continuous line drawing. Well, more or less continuous. And it really helped me to not be overwhelmed by all the detail in front of me. I just kept following the line.  

I'm looking at Liz Steel's Foundations online course again and it's helping me reconnect with sketching in a way that I find satisfying. And Liz is such a generous teacher. If you do her online courses, you get to do them again for free every time she runs a live runthrough. I don't always get to do them, but there is always something new to learn or something old to relearn, so even if I only have the time for a couple of weeks, it's always worth it!

And here are my photos taken on location. I often forget to take these.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Quick portraits

Just a few doodles in a small sketchbook, while on a Zoom call. 


Sunday, February 16, 2025

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Studio book exploration

I keep a studio book. It's a big square Seawhite of Brighton sketchbook It looks like I am ready to move from my rock and mountain exploration to sea and sky (Inspired by Peter Davis, Aquarelman). Let's see where this goes


Friday, February 14, 2025

Dublin evening sky

I keep asking mysel is it time to move on. So I think it is. I'm taking lots of photos from morning and evening skies in Dublin. That's definitely a nudge!

And a question - what is precious as a two-centimeter square - would it give the same joy on a big canvas? Or do I need more?

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


A great session with Pencils4Tea in mid-January. God knows when I will get to post this on Instagram.But I feel the need to keep the chronology of my life, so I will resist the urge to post it earlier. I used some grey watercolour pencil, some graphite pencil, my artgraf tin, and some Luminance colour pencils. I'm so glad for this opportunity to practise faces and hands! I have to admit that I was a bit anxious at the start, as it felt like I had forgotten how to draw!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Sweeping view - Is it now time to move on?


I had sketched this view in a concertina sketchbook a good few months ago. On this day, I wanted to try and paint it in a long format on watercolour paper, but very much keeping the spirit of the sketch. I drew the main shapes with a couple of Neocolor crayons. I premixed my main colours, preparing 2 darks, 2 mids and 2 lights. I just went for it then. Some areas required a couple of layers. And when it was well dry, I added squiggles with a few colour pencils. It doesn't look like a sophisticated painting, but I love the feeling of it and it brings me straight back to that sweeping view near Allihies.
Is it now time to move on from these scenes from the Beara peninsula? I don't know yet. There is still a lot I want to explore.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Catching up with friends, and catching up with Liz Steel's Foundations runthrough!

Leisurely sketching while chatting with friends. Unfortunately this sketchbook doesn't open fully on the spine, so I should remember not to sketch people in the middle!! 

I'm going through Liz Steel's Foundations course, as she is currently running a live runthrough. Always fun and interesting to relearn all these things I have forgotten!

Here is how they looked before I added watercolour on top of watercolour pencil and tempera in my two favourite colours.

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Some days, it feels like I can't paint anymore

Some days, it feels like I can't paint anymore. And that's perfectly normal, isn't it? It's a horrible feeling, though. Back to the process! And by the way, I have cropped the picture, so the composition is actually not as bad as it is in reality!

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Exploring - I just don't like pencil!

 My note over the pencil sketch says it all. But if I hadn't done that, I would not have noticed the gorgeous shadows over that gate.

Friday, February 07, 2025

Fun with tempera sticks and brushpens

Had fun playing with these tempera sticks, working from photos I had taken on my morning walk. Love the immediacy of tempera sticks. The box says they are acid-free, but they are designed for children, so they are probably not permanent pigments. Ah well, that's alright. All the more reason to play with abandon!

Thursday, February 06, 2025

After a short break, getting back into mark-making

Travelling always does this to me. Even a short trip to Belgium - two days over there. Travelling over in the afternoon the previous day, and a morning flight back. So in my mind that's 4 days. And I get stressed before travelling. And then I need a day to get back into my life. So that's a week - in my head anyway!

So, yes, I feel a bit disconnected from my art flow - that's how little it takes to disrupt my routine.  But it never stops me from showing up, even if I'm just throwing paint around or dragging a card through wet paint. I do like the first one.