Tuesday, March 04, 2025


Love that Neocolor on top of a dark wash. Chatting and scribbling with no purpose. Mixing some leftover paints - phthalo turquoise, some greens, some pink, some purple, some burnt umber. I'm not very scientific. But it was so much fun! 

Monday, March 03, 2025

In Blackrock

I spent most of my day in Blackrock. Meeting a friend and going to the hairdresser's. Of course, I arrived early and I got to draw the car parked in front of me, and a bit of the street. The other sketches were done in the September café, a lovely place, but too noisy for me - sensory overload after a while! Thankfully, Eddie's new salon is a haven of peace and by the time I got home, I was actually quite relaxed.


These two were done in Neocolor and watercolour pencil. I decided to add water when I got home. This is how they looked on location.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Doodles - exploring mark making

Inspired by Harry Clarke windows I saw in January. Just love the beautiful marks he made on the glass. My marks are nothing like his of course, but it's so good to be playing anyway.


Saturday, March 01, 2025

Sandford Parish Church

The rector of Sandford Parish Church welcomed us into her beautiful church, famous for its Harry Clarke stained-glass window. Then we went to Cinnamon for a bite to eat and to chat about sketching. I think both these sketches need colour. But I haven't found the time yet to add watercolour, so it probably won't happen!