Thursday, August 01, 2024

Colour swatches

My year of not buying anything isn't going too well! Although I have to say I bought very little in New York, just a few art supplies in Blicks and some Japanese goodies in Kinokuniya.

The QOR palette from Blicks I have already posted, but I have now done the swatches in my little square sketchbook. It's good to keep these things in one place so I can find them again when I need them. QOR watercolours use a different binder instead of gum arabic and the binder holds a lot more pigment, hence the intense colours. It's not a well-known brand in Europe, but I'm looking forward to experimenting with this little set and see how it goes!.

Another exciting development is that I can now buy Holbein watercolours from my favourite Irish art shop, Crafty Studio. I went a bit mad and ordered a strange assortment of colours (I do still have plenty of tubes of all the usual suspects). I look forward to seeing what I can do with them!

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